
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Was Morsi the same Moburk?

Morsi Egypt may be better than its predecessor in terms of promoting democracy .
Millions of Egyptians as they had no choice but to vote for Morsi, not because they agreed with his ideas or the Muslim Brotherhood, but simply to prevent the restoration of the Mubarak regime to Shafiq hands . So Morsi became president and told me that the will of the people must be respected. I thought it was unfair to attack President Morsi before they gave him a chance.

But after three months it happened

- One of the most important causes of the revolution was the brutal repression of the Ministry of Interior. People have asked that the safety of the state withdraws, the Ministry of the Interior will be cleaned of Mubarak and corrupt men as perpetrators of torture accountable.

However, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF ) has refused to make changes to the Ministry of the Interior during the transition period. Then, after Morsi became president, we were surprised that he also refused to clean the office. Instead , I took the old address as Interior Minister Ahmed Gamal al - Din.

- It seemed to me that if a company had been concluded between the Brotherhood and the men of the Ministry of the Interior that he would keep their positions and privileges remain exempt from responsibility for their crimes in exchange for the restoration of security and protection of the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Security was a little restored, but the crackdowns have also returned . Egyptians are humiliated again at the police station .
-There have been many similar incidents that President Morsi - as President Mubarak - does not care that people are tortured and raped their dignity.

In fact, the dignity of Egyptians abroad is not better than those at home.

There is also the " April 8th " official who joined the protests in Tahrir Square . They were arrested and subjected to severe torture . They are always locked. Before being elected , President Morsi has promised to release as soon as he took office, but so far has not .

When President Morsi formed the government , they were surprised to see it included several ministers of the old regime . This indicates that the policies of Mubarak and Morsi are not very different .

- President Mubarak has been pushed to the rich , he tried to have fun and help increase your wealth, then he does not care about the suffering of the poor . Morsi is unfortunately no different in this regard Mubarak. Morsi is now on businessmen belonging to the Mubarak regime . When visiting foreign countries, takes with him on board his plane.

While trying to cope with the economic crisis, Morsi plans to cut government spending or revocation advisers who wrongly being paid millions . It does not intend to impose a progressive tax on the rich, or to stop subsidies for gas and electricity for the plants that sell their goods in international prices . President Morsi considering making these movements that threaten the interests of the rich.

Borrow Mubarak request $ 4.8 billion from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), without disclosing the terms of the loan to the public.

It is worth mentioning that the former prime minister Kamal Ganzouri also wanted to borrow from the IMF , but when the Brotherhood strongly opposed , saying the debt increase the debt of Egypt, and the payment of interest is contrary to Islamic law.

But when he was president Morsi , which encourages the loan application president Morsi, who suddenly discovered that, according to Islamic law, because "it is a necessity," and the end justifies the means. It seems that the Brotherhood has several doctrines that picks and chooses what suits your interests .

The Mubarak regime used to control the media and national newspapers , which was used to spread lies and representing Mubarak as an inspiring leader and wise. Instead of independent newspapers and delete the Ministry of Information , President Morsi appointed a member of the Brotherhood as Minister of Information and the Shura Council , dominated by the best new national newspaper publishers who are appointed Brothers very aware that they owe their positions to the Muslim Brotherhood .

The influence of the Brotherhood of the media is increasingly obvious. As he did with Mubarak, the images broadcast on television state remains President Morsi .

The Constituent Assembly was controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. This means that no matter how hearings and debates that are " supreme leader " of the Brotherhood was that period in the determination of the Egyptian Constitution.

Before being elected , Mr Morsi promised the representative of the Constituent Assembly of all parts of society. But as usual , he broke his promise and assembly remains unchanged. The assembly is to write unacceptable items restricting civil liberties, women's rights and freedom of the press.

- The President Morsi promised civil liberties flourish under his reign. But the opposite happened . Newspapers were confiscated and the Al chain - closed Faraeen . Regardless of how we feel about this channel,

- The President Morsi was elected by the people, but also belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood , which was a secret organization and we do not know the rules, regulations or funding sources .

But it seems that President Morsi Brotherhood prefers to keep a secret group that supports him backstage.

Connecting the president with the group led to unacceptable behavior in a democracy. Official Brotherhood Khairat Shater behaves as if the Prime Minister . He made ​​statements on government projects . He traveled abroad and meeting with foreign officials who negotiated and signed agreements . But how do you track it ? I do not really know who governs Egypt : President Morsi or supreme guide of the Brotherhood ?

The situation has become alarming. It seems that after the revolution, nothing has changed except the president . Mubarak was simply replaced by Morsi . President Morsi moves guarded by 3,000 soldiers. When we pray in the mosque to prevent the police from entering the mosque to keep the president safe . When Morsi trip to Rome remained at the same luxury hotel where Mubarak used to stay , costing state thousands of pounds per night.

The revolution has made ​​a great achievement when Mubarak deposed , tried and imprisoned with his disciples. The task of the revolution must be to prevent the Muslim Brotherhood control of the state.
In the end Morsi was the same moburak 

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