
Friday, December 6, 2013

Islamic clothing for women in Egypt

women, Egyptian women, veil, Islamic clothing for women, Muslim women
"قل للمؤمنين بأنهم يجب أن يغضضن من أبصارهن وحراسة تواضعهم ...... وأقول للنساء الاعتقاد بأنهم يجب أن يغضضن من أبصارهن وحراسة تواضعهم؛ أنها ينبغي أن لا يتم عرض جمالها والحلي باستثناء ما عادة تظهر منه؛ أنه ينبغي أن يوجه الحجاب على مدى صدورهم.... " 
" Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their modesty ...... And say to the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty , that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what usually appear one it , that they should draw their veils over their bosoms ....  (Quran)
Why do the Egyptian women wear veil?
Veil (Islamic clothing for women) is prescribed to protect women , modesty is protection. Thus, the sole purpose of the veil in Islam is protection. The Islamic veil , unlike the veil of the Christian tradition , is not a sign of the authority of the man over the woman , nor a sign of submission of women to men . The Islamic clothing for women, unlike the veil in the Jewish tradition , is not a sign of luxury and distinction of some noble married women . The Islamic veil is only a sign of modesty in order to protect women , all women. Islamic philosophy is that it is always better to be safe than sorry. In fact, the Quran is so concerned with protecting women's bodies and women 's reputation that a man who dares to falsely accuse a woman of infidelity will be severely punished :

The veil signifies the self-respect of women and social status . Women of the lower classes would often wear the veil to give the impression of a higher standing. The fact that the veil was the sign of nobility was the reason why prostitutes are not allowed to cover their hair in the old Jewish society. However , prostitutes often wore a special headscarf in order to look respectable .

Islamic clothing and the Christian tradition :

 It is well known that Catholic Nuns have been covering their heads for hundreds of years, but it is not everything. St. Paul in the New Testament made ​​some very interesting statements about the veil :
Islamic dress in Europe, notably the variety of headdresses worn by Muslim women , has become a prominent symbol of the presence of Islam in Western Europe. In several countries , accession to hijab (an Arabic noun meaning " to cover") has led to political controversies and proposals for a legal ban . The Dutch government has decided to introduce a ban on face -covering clothing , popularly described as the " burqa ban " , although it does not apply only to Afghanistan and the burqa model. Other countries such as France are debating similar legislation , or have more limited prohibitions. some of them relate only to face -covering clothing such as the burqa , chador , boushiya , or niqab , some apply all clothing with an Islamic religious symbolism such as the khimar , a type of scarf ( some countries already have laws prohibiting the wearing of masks in public, which can be applied to veils that hide the face). issue has different names in different countries, and " the veil " or " hijab " may be used as a general way for the debate , which is more than the veil itself, or the concept of modesty embodied in hijab.

Islamic clothing for women In France and Turkey,

 the emphasis is on the secular nature of the State, and the symbolic nature of the Islamic dress, and the prohibition applies in state institutions (courts, public service ) and education funded . These prohibitions also apply to the Islamic headscarf , which in some countries are considered less controversial , although the field staff of the law in the Netherlands are also forbidden to wear headscarves because of the " neutrality of the State ". Less politicized than in specific professions argument apparently ( education ), the prohibition of " veils" ( niqab ) is justified , since the communication face-to -face and eye contact is necessary. This argument has featured prominently in judgments in Britain and the Netherlands , after students or teachers were banned from wearing face coverings . The public reaction to these proposals and policy of prohibition is complex , since by definition they mean that the government decides to individual clothing . Some non- Muslims, who would not be affected by a ban , see it as a matter of civil liberties , as a slippery slope leading to new restrictions on privacy. A public opinion poll in London showed that 75 percent of Londoners support "the right of everyone to dress in accordance with their religious beliefs ." In another survey in the United Kingdom by Ipsos MORI, 61 percent agreed that " Muslim women are segregating themselves " by wearing a veil, but 77 percent thought they should have the right to wear it

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