
Monday, November 4, 2013

Farces during trial of Morsi

Ousted president Morsi the president of EGYPT and 14 Islamist Muslim Brotherhood officials could face the death penalty if convicted of incitement to violence Brotherhood is committed to challenging the security and press repression with street demonstrations. Egypt's ousted president Mohamed Morsi
Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi arrived at a police academy in Cairo Monday to stand trial that opponents of the military-backedgovernment say is part of a campaign
to crush his Muslim Brotherhood and revive a police state.
They face charges of incitement to violence on the death of about a dozen people in clashes outside the presidential palace in December after Morsi exasperated his opponents with a decree expanding its powers .
And speaking to Reuters by telephone, Osama Morsi , the son of 30 -year-old ousted president , said that his father had not allowed a defense lawyer and family would not attend the trial. "We do not recognize the trial. We are proud of my father and we feel strong on its position.
Cairo court adjourned the trial of ousted President Morsi longer refuse his prison uniform and defendants chanting " Down with the military regime." Morsi and 14 others face charges of inciting the killing of protesters during clashes .

Judge Ahmed Sabry Youssef ordered the adjournment shortly after a two-hour delay in the start of the hearings . The delay was due to the defiance of the court Morsi , who said he had no authority to try a legitimate Egyptian president . "This trial is illegitimate ," he insisted .

Anchorage said the trial was not valid and that the judge is illegal and it is still the legitimate president of Egypt
The trial included a case of tumult and chaos of the accused,The lawyers were accused of waving a fourth sign

The case was postponed to January 8 and will return all the defendants to prison.

And now , the Egyptian president isolated went out court to prison, moving  by plane, but No one knows where is a vector, but Egyptian TV said Morsi  move to Borg El Arab prison.

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