
Monday, October 28, 2013

What happens in Egypt today?

Supporters of ousted President Islamist Mohamed Mursi asked the Egyptians to mass demonstrations on November 4 , the day he goes on trial for incitement to murder , raising the prospect of further bloodshed as the crisis continuous political country.The trial could still stir up tensions between the Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood and the military-backed government and deepen instability that has decimated tourism and investment in the most populous Arab country and Egypt. The charges relate to the death of a dozen people in clashes outside the presidential palace last December after protesters angry Mursi with a decree to expand their powers .Security OperationMursi was held in an undisclosed location since he was overthrown on July 3. Since then , Egypt has been rocked by almost daily attacks by militants in the Sinai Peninsula and clashes between supporters and opponents of the Brotherhood.Hundreds of Brotherhood members were killed and key executives were imprisoned in one of the toughest security raids in the history of the movement. 

 Security sources said Mursi should be tried in Cairo Institute Tora police near the most famous prison in Egypt, Mubarak held until transferred to house arrest in August Islamists led many demonstrations calling for the restoration of Mursi, prompting the government to consider imposing severe restrictions on demonstrations, a move that drew criticism from rights groups human rights . The protests spread to college campuses , including Al -Azhar , the ancient seat of Sunni Muslim learning , which has always toed the government line. However, there is no evidence that this is the Brotherhood or the military-backed government is ready to make concessions. Attacks against soldiers and police have increased considerably since Mursi was overthrown. Gunmen killed a policeman in the northern Sinai Thursday.

security sources  said that Law on demonstration by the Interim President Mansour Adly . The measure would prohibit unauthorized demonstration before the police , and allow the interior minister and senior officials to postpone or cancel the event at its discretion. Also establish zones free Äúprotest at around state buildings , where battles were wagedbetween Morsi , supporters and opponents of the AM .

The government has painted the bill as an attempt to break the Muslim Brotherhood , which has protested bitterly against Morsi , indent marker . But the bill has caused a wave of anger across the political spectrum in Egypt. Many Egyptians who risked their lives protesting in recent years, they are not shy to express their anger .

 Article 5 states that the protesters can not cover their faces at all . That does not explain if it allowed women wearing the niqab to participate in events . Article 6 states that demonstrators must notify the police 24 hours before the event, which details the start and end location, and the names of each of the protesters, who plans to participate in the demonstration. Section 9 prohibits sit- ins ( such as mass pro - sitting on Rabaa Al- Morsi Adawiya violently suppressed by the security forces) , and said that the events should not disturb public order , the interests of citizens or cut public roads. Article 14 limits the events around areas of interest include the presidential seat , ministries, police stations , courts and international bodies in which some of Egypt, AOS largest demonstrations took place in recent years. Article 18 states that the protesters may be fined up to 100,000 EGP , or about $ 14,500 . The average annual income in Egypt is only $ 3,600.