
Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mohamed Naguib was the first president of Egypt

Mohamed Naguib,  the first president of Egypt,  EGYPT, egyptian man, Egyptian people
Mohamed Naguib was the first president of Egypt after the revolution of July 1952. He was quickly overshadowed by Gamal Abdel Nasser , and looks as if it is still neglected. After living through very difficult times , when he was forcibly removed from power after the crisis of March 1954 , the house where he spent nearly three decades , has finally confirmed demolished by the Ministry of Coordination Agency urban culture (UCA ) .
It is home to Zeinab Al- Wakil , wife of Wafd leader Mustafa El- Nahas ,
whose heirs had recently recovered from the property by a court . It was sold to an investor who overthrew despite calls Cairo Governor Osama Kamal Adel Zayed Qalyoubiya governor to impose a moratorium on the degradation.

UCA head Soheir Hawass said the agency sent a team to inspect the property, which confirmed the demolition even if the building is subject to Law 144 of 2006, which protects the architecture of historical value. This local, after all witnessed the key events in the life of Naguib . Contact UCA Governor Hawass added that Kamal to stop relegation, but was surprised to find the house is located in the Al - Marg district, as the palace is situated near Al - Zakat Mu'asaset Street, technically Qalyoubiya under the jurisdiction of the government.

He wondered how the palace may have disappeared from the official inventory . General Mohamed Al- Kiki, Secretary General Qalyoubiya governor, declined to comment on the issue , saying he was too busy in a meeting with the Minister of Local Development .

According to biographer Rifaat Yunan the president of Egypt Naguib , the first president of Egypt was the place under house arrest in November 1954 after his relationship with Nasser deteriorated following the crisis in March , the posture and the desire that the army " return to their barracks " Naguib strongly democratic . Free official Abdel- Hakim Amer, later, the army commander , said Naguib make your stay in the house of Zainab Al- Wakil be no more than a few days, but the deposed leader ended up staying for nearly 29 years .

Yunan said Naguib felt life in this house was a " descent into hell " was guarded by 20 guard posts and the garden has been stripped of trees for safety reasons , we have eliminated all the antiques and furniture in the palace , including refrigerators, cooking utensils, pots and pans. Even Naguib medals , shields and certificates were confiscated military . The former president documented all these painful events in his memoirs that was finally published .

In the 1980s in EGYPT , after several court cases involving the custody of the State , the heirs of Al - Wakil demanded that the palace should be handed back to them . A court order was issued in this regard, but the ousted president Hosni Mubarak has decided to allocate Naguib and his family an apartment where he lived until his death Alternative August 28, 1984 . Naguib wanted to die in this city , because , despite its infernal associations , which had become very familiar with each of its corners . Yunan describes the condition of the property from the last time I visited while researching his book , saying that he had fallen into disrepair. Doors and iron decorations were rusty and gross negligence had turned the garden was once stuffed with rare plants in a dump .

Naguib was egyptian man became the basement of the house in a large library, including thousands of pounds . The first floor has a dining table with antique leading to a poorly furnished room where cleaning Hagga Fathiya Naguib continued living room . The show also made ​​Naguib and a balcony that had become a chicken despite housing a bronze statue of Saad Zaghloul .

In his memoirs, Naguib reveals her talent in raising animals in the garden. Even under house arrest, the former general of the army has not escaped the plots of the Free Officers . He was kidnapped in 1956 and taken to Naga Hamadi then Tama Sohag , before being returned to Al- Marg again . He was not allowed family visits for six years. Naguib have been erased from the memory of the nation, if not for the wise intervention that persuaded Mubarak to appoint the subway station near Bab El- Louq after him. But the villa where he wrote his book Once I was president of Egypt , and the walls echoed with their cries drowned person found to save the order .
Yesterday I wrote about Camilla El- Sadaat and his controversial interview as a great insult to President El- Sadaat we learned that Camilla had to sell their furniture auction and live free of government in the United States, since no one helps her brain surgery that cost a fortune.

Egyptian my dear friend in the United States made a suggestion that the government has a president of benefits for children after his death , did not like the idea at first, but when I thought deeply into it , I realized that c is reasonable.
I know many will say that the board is this?
Watch children Nasser , children of El - Sadaat and not to mention the children of Mubarak And I say that you forgot to mention the first president of the children of this country Egypt by General Mohamed Naguib and his family.

This great man who has suffered and his family suffered with it too.
If you know your history , you know what I mean .
A story of thetragedy of Egypt , full of anxiety
General Naguib wanted democracy in 1954 and the creation of the liberal life in Egypt , a strong government responsibility for the popularly elected parliament , the crisis of 1954 until now we suffer the consequences "Imagine if Naguib Egypt won 54 years , we have made ? "
Nasser and the company does not want and do not want the CIA, Nasser also sick of the old woman who served as a refuge in case if captured , it would be the first to be hanged , he wants to be in the picture , especially Nagiub popularity grew rapidly.

without explanation in the modern history of Egypt, they overthrew the man free agents who were to be the agents of evil that Naguib called in his autobiography, he has been in exile, not only that, but even his family fought had nothing to do with the conflict , but his name was Naguib The agony that makes me support Egypt in the United States if President Naguib son worked as a taxi driver , they swear it was The other went to Germany , West Germany , guess who was not killed by the Mossad , but the Secret Service Nasser.

Naguib remained in exile period 1954-1970 Nasser decision right
I remember several years ago when I was a kid, I used to buy Alaadin , Ahram magazine for children , yes, I know it's boring as Ahram , was not only the page death ! anyway I remember that photo showed small - son of President Naguib , who was a child at the time they wrote the great painter who was at a young age , which shows the image with its protait grandfather ' s that was designed for him, "it was good " , I remember that I was surprised to see , grand-son of the president with a simple cloth , I did not understand at that young age , except to note your fabric It's mixed feelings, a sense of shame that the family of the first Egyptian president has suffered in this way and at the same time feeling that this great leader and his family belong to both the entire Egyptian people , the Egyptian people suffer simple diet and feel blessed not a curse , it is more honorable for President Naguib having to live life polluted with the stolen money and the rights of persons However , they must live with more dignity , more respect and that is why I think the idea is good pension , which remains the law, a specific commission and care to help them in their problems, not to make them special compared to others, but to protect the dignity of Egypt Nasser El- Sadaat and Mubarak son of son and daughters and grandchildren , all graduates of the AUC , all live in a live more than any other Egyptian people , not