
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Gamal Abd El Nasser the second president of Egypt

Egypt free, Gamal Abd El Nasser, Egypt and the Arab, Egyptian Army, Egyptian Army
Gamal Abd El Nasser the second president of Egypt was born in 1918 and died in 1970.Gamal Abd El Nasser was a pivotal figure in the recent history of the Middle East and played a highly prominent role in the 1956 Suez Crisis. Nasser has been described as the first leader of an Arab nation who challenged what was perceived as the western dominance of the Middle East. Nasser remains a highly revered figure in both Egypt and the Arab world. 
 He took part in anti-British demonstrations. He graduated from the Royal Military Academy and joined the Egyptian Army.

 Within the army, Nasser continued with his anti-British activities.1942, there was an incident occurred which have been the key turning point in Nasser's life. In February , the British persuaded/forced the king of Egypt, King Farouq, to accept a government that was to be headed by Nahas Pasha. At this time, Britain's power in North Africa was reaching a peak with the defeat of the Afrika Korps and this power was especially felt in Egypt.

In the 1948,Abd El  Nasser fought  war against the newly formed Israel. During this war, Nasser held his first proper meeting with those officers who were willing to support his ideas for Egypt. The defeat of the Arab nations in the 1948 war,

The defeat  strongly affected Gamal Abd  El Nasser. Nasser was very angered by the  corruption witch inside  sections of the Royal Family which it was thought hindered any chance of victory. So He decided to basically plot against the king .

Revolution 23 July 1952, Nasser helped to organise a revolution against the King Farouk . . Farouk escape to Italy and Neguib took over control of the nation.

But, In November 1954, Neguib resigned and retired from public life.

on November 17th 1954, Nasser became the president, anh he had a very clear vision for modernising Egypt. He identified five targets that he wanted to address:

 Ther were many problems such as: Poverty , Ignorance ,National oblivion. Neglect of Egypt’s infrastructure ,No sense of national identity or pride in Egypt. He was also very careful to see Egypt free of any overtones of colonialism.

British and French  were control of the Suez Canal. Completed in 1869, In 1956,Abd El Nasser nationalised the canal – provoking an attack on Egypt by the French and British. It was condemned at an international level and the British and French had to withdraw their forces when it became clear that America did not support what they had done. In fact, the American president, Eisenhower, was openly critical of Britain and France.

Also,One of the most  problems Egypt faced on an annual basis was the flooding of the River Nile which could decimate fertile farming land. So Nasser’s planned  to build High Dame.
in this time , the Russians provided Egypt with what they needed after the International Bank had withdrew its financial support for the project after 1956. For Russia wanted  the opportunity to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean Sea.

 In 1961,Gamal  nationalised a number of corporations to improve the lifestyle of the Egyptian people. after one year , a decision was announced that Egypt would be run on Arab socialist lines. During Nasser's time in office,about  2000 new factories were built  Egypt in Nasser's time. , iron and steel mills, aluminum plants, car and food factories were also built.

Nasser suffered a blow when Egypt and other Arab countries were defeated by Israel in the Six Day War of 1967. For this year, Egypt was considered the first Arab countries and the Arab people looked to Egypt for leadership. For Nasser, the total defeat of Israel was a hit and offered his resignation. This was rejected by the people who took to the streets in June 1967 to show support for Nasser. After the war, Nasser has made great efforts to modernize the Egyptian army and remains one of its main objectives, until his death in September 1970. His death was followed by a demonstration of national mourning in Egypt.  

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